Hi Paul & All,
Is there any cheap CAD software that can be used to design geodesic structures? Not just line drawings, but exploded views, part connections, etc. I have looked at Google Sketch, but can''t get anything going with it. What does everyone else use?
[ Comments 2 ]
posted by
04/03/2012 02:59:42
i use FreeCAD, available from sourceforge.
It seems a lot of people use Google SketchUp - i haven't tried it yet.
As far as FreeCAD goes, it doesn't have any primitives beyond simple 3D shapes - so i had to start by defining all the vertices. It uses Python as a scripting language, so i ended up spending ages learning both a CAD package and another programming language. As anyone used to the mainstream languages will tell you, Python is rather lame - and very slow - which is funny coz their website refers to it as fast...
You could probably manually create your structure using the design/drawing tool but will need your vertex positions - which is why i stayed with scripting as i needed to calculate them anyway...
The guys over at Geodesic Help on Google Groups are probably more in tune with your questions.
posted by
13/03/2012 18:13:26
Thanks Bazil, I guess I'll try another look at SketchUp.